Monday, 4 April 2011

Jamie tutorial take two and publication content update . . .

I had another mini tutorial with Jamie today, after editing the layout of the publication over the weekend, he said it was looking a lot better and the layouts of the pages were a vast improvement on the originals.

There were still a few little things to change, some of the images I had missed taking the rounded edges off of, and he suggested having all of the text aligned to one side or another for the stand first instead of having the text centralised in the middle of the page.

I'm just struggling slightly with the how to guide Fran sent me for making cushions, as I can't get the layout right, as not all of the stages have pictures to go with them. I've also heard back from Lisa Tracey of Tricky Treats who is writing an article for me on home made Vs shop bought cakes and the benefits, which I should hopefully have by the 8th April, my penultimate bit of content to go into the publication.

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