Monday, 21 February 2011

New laser cut designs . . .

Following on from the laser cuts I completed at the end of last week, there were a couple that I didn't feel worked too well, and I wanted an initial ten designs and then whittle it down to a final four for the actual campaign.

Once again I've communicated my ideas to an illustrator, as my drawing skills just aren't good enough. I wanted the designs to be more fun, and reflective of the style of the Dandy-Lion publication. Both of the designs below will feature the Dandy-Logo, but so far I've found it hard to insert the logo so that it can be altered for engraving, but for now I've just left white space where the logo would end up goi
ng. Something that I need to speak to either Ed or Jamie about rectifying.

I also wanted the papercuts to be reflective of the content of the publication as well as the time of year for the first issue, and have therefore chosen the grow your own article and the typical image of leaves falling off a tree in Autumn. I'm hoping to get at least another four designs completed by the end of the week, so that I can book in for another laser cutting session towards the end of the week, looking at incorporating the make do and mend theme.

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