Saturday, 5 March 2011

Boscombe Vintage Market . . . Contacts

I've become quite a follower of the Vintage market in Boscombe, I've been to every once since it started in November last year, I've seen it grow from just a hand full of stalls in one tent, to it now stretching to two tents, and more stalls outside. Today was the busiest I've seen the market. i met up with both Vicky and Naomi, who are styling two of the shoots for the publication, to go model scouting and to see if we could make any contacts for garment/prop borrowing. There wasn't much in the way of models at the event, but we did find a lovely jumper which is perfect for the land girls shoot and was only £10. Leah from the Vintage Per Sempre shop in Pokesdown was also there, unfortunately I didn't get to speak to her as she was really busy, but we're hopefully going to go and visit her shop in the next couple of weeks to get some clothes for the beach shoot.

I finally met with Jilly P, who I contacted after the la
st market, after falling in love with her stationary range. She was lovely, wishing me luck with the publication, I have promised to send the finished layout over to her once I've stitched the title into the page, hopefully she'll like it.

I also made some other useful contacts whilst there, with a lady who owns a unique vintage
shop in Pokesdown, selling handmade leather accessories, called Love From Hetty & Dave. They also sell vintage clothing which I thought might be another good section for the publication, she was really up for being featured within the publication.

There was also another stall that caught my eye, selling beautiful Japanese Vintage Earrings, the lady was making some whilst I was there, she was also really enthusiastic about being featured, again another new feature for the publication. I have included the links to both of the stalls web-sites below -

* Love From Hetty and Dave -

* Carlitta Monchitta -

I am also attending the 'Swing for Victory' event with Vicky and Naomi tomorrow evening, which I'm really looking forward to. The event is being put on by the Arts and Events Management course at Uni, whilst meeting Ben earlier in the week he said that the event might be useful for my project, we are hoping there will be more young people there that could potentially model for the land girls shoot, as well as making some more contacts.

I really need to design some business cards to take with me to events, I've booked in for the laser cutter next week so I'll get some designs drawn up over the weekend.

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